About Us

The idea of DirtNap Gear came about as I sat watching another one of my wife's mind numbing true crime shows and dreaming of the November woods. With my love of the outdoors and bowhunting I realized it was time to develop a line of broadheads that performed to the highest standards. No stupid rubber bands. No crappy thin blades. Just poking two holes in a big ass animal (that means entry AND exit wounds for those of our slower readers).
I designed the DirtNap Gear line with one thought in my mind...boobs, wait scratch that, I meant penetration and durability. I wanted to design a broadhead that would fit the needs of a seasoned bowhunter or a beginning archer. The entire line up of DNG broadheads are built solid and razor edge sharp and have been tested in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, North America (and a small town in the South Pole) with outstanding results. Penetration, blood trails and durability are truly the characteristics of our product.
DirtNap Gear consists of myself (Tom) and my wife Robin who keeps it all running smooth and sometimes our twin boys will help out when they need money. We are a family business and we take great pride in every single aspect of our company. We strive for excellent customer service and personal relationships with our customers. We are laid back and find the humor in just about everything.
If you like boring broadheads and cheap crap, buy from the big broadhead companies. If you want performance that is backed by real people...buy from us.
Thanks for your business and your sense of humor,
Tom Addleman